"He is no fool who gives up that which he cannot keep, to gain that which he cannot lose." Jim Elliot

Friday, February 25, 2011

My Search Incompetencies

In reading through the "Search competencies" paper, I am struck by my inconsistencies when it comes to searching.  I took LIBR 202 so I would become an expert searcher, and yet even today after that class, I am ashamed to admit I forget to utilize simple Boolean search methods, such as using a wild card*, truncation and limiters!  So, I must begin this evaluation with the confession that I am still "a work in progress" and not nearly as good at searching today as I will be next year, and so on, and so forth.  That being said, I feel that I have become fairly proficient at not wasting my time with non-relevant search results when using search engines.  I have collected a wonderful collection of websites that I can trust to not waste my time when I need certain information, such as series names, similar authors, government specifics, etc.  I have learned to view search results with a critical eye - noting who the website represents (special interests, specific professions that have an interest or financial stake in the subject) 

When it comes to doing searches on our library catalog, I am proficient in the following:
  • Logging on/logging off the staff side of the computer
  • Printing/downloading/emailing complete and partial search results
  • Giving directions for library access over the phone
  • Accessing our catalog via staff interface, and OPAC
  • Able to conduct simple/advanced searches
  • Am able to explain how to do a search and how to access our electronic resources
  • Am able to read item records to determine order status, item status etc.  Can tell the difference between the bibliographic record,  and item record. 
  • Am able to read patron records to explain what is overdue, or on order, or late
  • Can tell the difference between volumes and series,
  • Can identify location codes - although this is an ever expanding area! 
  • Am able to edit patron records (address/phone change, adding notes, expiration date change, adding/deleting passwords.)
  • Am able to edit item records (changing status and location)

Ok, I think this is what you had in mind for my search competency skills....if not, you'll hear from me again!  Just so this post is not entirely boring, I've included some recent pictures of my granddaughters, Ellie and Annie from their visit to Thailand.  While it was freezing rain and snowing buckets here, my babies were sunbathing!  Wish I was with 'em!


  1. Sometimes I feel incompetent as well. I am in the class you mentionedd now and I still feel very much like a rookie. I hope your family had fun on their vacation.

    You'll do fine it just takes practice.

  2. I'm in LIBR 102 now, lot of reference searching. I hope it pays off lol. Nice pictures wish I was in Thailand too.
