"He is no fool who gives up that which he cannot keep, to gain that which he cannot lose." Jim Elliot

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Cloudy, with a chance of Iceballs

   Couldn't resist that little homage to a classical children's book, considering the information we covered this week, as well as the crazy weather we have endured!  What a week!  I'm so thankful for the Internet, and for the concept of "cloud computing" so that I could actually accomplish some work today from home - since the library was closed due to the weather. 
   I was really impressed this week with the technology terms we uncovered - or at least I uncovered! It may have been common knowledge to you all.   I enjoyed "subscribing" to various Internet feeds.  I discovered when I went to set up my account with Google Reader, that I already had been populating it by becoming followers of your blogs!  Imagine my joy (;-)  when I went to Google Reader, and saw that I had already 8 links to follow!  I went to the Public Library Association and ALA websites and signed up for their feeds as well.  This is yet another new function of technology I never new existed.  I have already experienced the benefit of it without realizing it:  I was able to determine immediately when there was a new post on your blogs.  I just didn't realize it was RSS that made that possible!  I chose Google Reader so that I could use the same email and password for log on- and thought it would be more consistent to stick with Google, since I used it to access Delicious.
    I will say that a part of me felt that tagging bookmarks with Delicious, and subscribing to feeds for RSS was a bit redundant, although once I thought it through,  I understand there is a big  difference between Delicious (direct website links) and RSS ( updated posts to certain websites). 

    As for the rest of the week, I was a week late in signing up for the Wiki Assignment - but I hope it is not too late.  I asked my head IT person about the possibility of setting up a Wiki - and I have yet to hear back from her.  (some things never change.)  However, I thought I could set up my own "reference information wiki" as a project, and if I can later use it for our department, it will be done!  As for the Tech Project, I thought I would do 4.2 - and first do a survey of most commonly asked questions, and then set up a written answer sheet for them.  Sorry guys, no audio or visual of me for this.  I'm much better with writing than I am talking! ;-)  When I had to make a video of myself reading a children's book for my last LIBR 203 class, I messed up so many times on video - until I finally took all the stuffed animals in the house and put them in a semi-circle and I read to them!  I was able to finally read with confidence, but the view of moose ears, bunny tails and bear butts was pretty silly indeed!

   Anyway, one benefit of the RSS feeds is it will help me to know right away when one of the resources I'm monitoring (Educause and Librarian in Black) have a new posting.  I'll blog about that later in the week.  I will say I thoroughly enjoyed the Studymate link.  I think I will look at that each day and try a new method of studying.  So far I've done the flash cards and some of Wheel of Fortune.  ;-)  I hope you all have a wonderful first week of February - and stay warm and safe if you are driving!  God bless you!

1 comment:

  1. Melanie,
    I love the picture! How silly. I am the same way with taking videos. And a great idea for using stuffed animals :) I agree with you, the RSS feeds are amazing. I just uncovered them as well. It will be so easy to keep up with everything now. Less hassle and I give great "kudos" to Sharon for Sharon for having us learn about them!
